OPEN - Volunteering - Application form

Please fill out the Volunteer Application Form below. The information that you provide will allow us to improve our volunteer coordination by understanding your needs, what skills you can provide, when you can lend your time, how the community can get more benefit from your skill, and so on. It is important to us, an organization that thrives due to the efforts of our volunteers, that we review and improve our volunteer program constantly, in part to thank you for your long-standing effort and commitment to our goals.

The application form is available in downloadable version also in (DOC) Microsoft Word Document Format and (PDF) Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format. To complete the downloadable form, click the link below, save and print the file, fill it out, and then mail it.

One note, if there is anything that you don’t feel comfortable disclosing, do not worry about it. In addition, as part of our commitment to our volunteers, we won’t be sharing this information with other organizations. All information obtained from the information and consent form will be marked as "Confidential" and will be treated as such.

Full Name
E-mail Address
Website (if any)
Mailing Address:  
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY):
Passport #:
Blood Group:
Tel #:
Cell #:
Arrival date #::
Departure date #:
Area of Interest:
Skill & Knowledge (use extra sheet, if needed):
Academic Qualification: (use extra sheet, if needed)
Please mention, name of contact person if in case of your emergency?
Phone no:
Mobile no:
Including country & area code
Your relation:
Please mention, why you are interested to Volunteer Programme?  (use extra sheet, if needed):
How do you know about OPEN?

By filling up this form and signing on it, I do hereby agree with any terms and condition of OPEN Volunteer Programme (OVP) implemented by OPEN.

Please send us your passport size photo (1 copy) along with signature via email or post box.

Please post this form to: Mr. Gyan B. Karki, President, OPEN  Nepal, GPO Box 23092 Kathmandu, Nepal

Download Volunteering application form

Adobe Acrobat Portable File Format  (22 KB)  - Download Now
Microsoft Word Document File Format  (53 KB)  - Download Now

Information Box